Suvisesha Sangam has an important role in the Orthodox mission aiming to provide a strong spiritual foundation. St. Thomas Suvisesha Sangam is a very active organization at our church and conducts all our chartiy projects every year.
Suvisesha Sangam also conducts “Divya Bodhanam” classes under the dedicated guidance of our Vicar. These classes provides Spiritual enrichment to our people. These classes are held on the first and third sundays of every month.
With the permission granted by the holy Synod Malankara Orthodox Church started the Divya Bodhanam in 1984. The late H.G. Dr. Paulose Mar Gregorios founded this mission and H.H. Baselios Marthoma Didimos I declared Divya Bodhanam an integral part of the Orthodox Church. Members actively participate in these classes.